And thus ends Fall 2007 comics!
The home of the comic "Random Doodles"
And thus ends Fall 2007 comics!
The idea is that the figurative school roughed her up, and while sometimes it feels like that when you start the semester, I’m not sure the joke conveyed itself too well. Ah well.
Some college students do, Sasha. Some do.
Breaks were the time when I would play World of Warcraft nearly nonstop. I had to stop playing it during the school year because my willpower is weak.
“I mean, I have over 15,000 hit points and my armor bonus is the highest on the server!”
Ah yes, the other vice.
It’s Random Doodles’ second color comic! At this point, the color comics in The Badger Herald were a different format, as there were less of them. I think I was put onto a rotation with a few other comics, so I didn’t draw a color comic every week for awhile. The color comics were on… Continue reading 0269
And sometimes, the storyline from a previous comic would continue after a color comic interrupted it. But I suppose that’s fairly common with print comics.
Did the couch just change color? No, you must be imagining things. >_> (Colors were rarely consistent from week to week, unless I put in effort). And you can go ahead and guess as to what anime or manga that synopsis is based on. I bet several fit the bill.
Quite a few anime are totally like soap operas. Over-the-top acting included.