0061 published on No Comments on 0061

They won’t let up, will they. Though really, this whole storyline is kinda weird. And it just keeps going too, because if I’m good at one thing it’s milking plotlines for all the jokes they could possibly contain, no matter how not-really-funny they might be.


0065 published on No Comments on 0065

Ah yes, the joys of owning a tablet. I actually found it a little difficult to draw or ink directly with the tablet. It takes time getting used to drawing there while looking up here. Now I have my fancy drawing tablet-monitor so I don’t have to worry about that anymore.


0068 published on No Comments on 0068

It was around this time that my editor told me to stop with the fourth wall breaking and get on with the real jokes. Whoops. Fortunately I was about done with the series anyway, but I did try to end it rather quick and get back to making jokes about the school and weather (the… Continue reading 0068