I’d often watch The Daily Show when drawing comics (or just drawing in general), It’s a good thing to have on while inking (but not for dialogue). This commercial played a lot. A LOT.
The home of the comic "Random Doodles"
I’d often watch The Daily Show when drawing comics (or just drawing in general), It’s a good thing to have on while inking (but not for dialogue). This commercial played a lot. A LOT.
Here’s the full set of the commercials, it seems. I think I often missed the start because of that whole ‘inking comics while watching The Daily Show’ thing.
I haven’t seen as many military commercials of late. But I’ve been watching less tv lately too so…
Just let the rant pass over you…
Don’t get ahead of yourself.
While originally published at the end of November, this is slightly more amusing being re-published right before NaNoWriMo starts! When I do NaNoWriMo, I’m usually done with barely any time to spare. I’ve gotten better as time has gone on, though. I think I was done even a day or two before the end of… Continue reading 0530
Millions upon millions!
All of my NaNoWriMos have remained as drafts. >_> #editingisforsuckerswholikefinishingprojects
If reasonable explanations fail, there is always the sword.
I’ll just point out again this was originally published in December. NaNoWriMo has yet to start!