For this flashback sequence, I tried using digital screentones. They are… tricky. I never learned to resize them properly (perhaps you don’t?) so sometimes they ended up looking a bit funky.
The home of the comic "Random Doodles"
For this flashback sequence, I tried using digital screentones. They are… tricky. I never learned to resize them properly (perhaps you don’t?) so sometimes they ended up looking a bit funky.
I bet flight attendants wish they could say that a lot.
Limos! So shocking there is no need for a punchline!
Let’s find out who’s right!
We have a winner! (It’s the Panda).
Sasha has a poor sense of scale.
At this point I had done the screentone coloring at the size used by the Badger Herald, so my usually bigger versions I resized for the web weren’t filled in. I had to resize the Badger Herald ones. It was a little time consuming.
So tall.
Trolling or ulterior motives? You decide!
Why did she not tell them the time of the Ball earlier?! (And would they have slept in as late anyway? Signs point to ‘yes’.)