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0009 published on No Comments on 0009

That’s an actual quote from a professor, by the way.

Fun story: Back in high school, one of my history teachers would talk about the cold war and would actually refer to Russians as ‘Red Commie B*******’ in class, mostly in jest. Her defense — people actually called them that during the time period, so why not in history class? Good times.


0007 published on 2 Comments on 0007

Back when I had my comics published in The Daily Cardinal, a friend of mine from high school had been drawing a comic in the same paper. I had suggested we do a comic where his comic prank calls my comic.

Unfortunately, due the Cardinal’s ‘random schedule for not regular comics’ mine was never published. So his comic referred to the page where mine might have been… but unrelated comics by other people were there. Whoops!

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