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After 7+ years of procrastinating, hemming, hawing, and more procrastinating, Random Doodles is finally getting a (hopefully) permanent home on the internet. And behold — this is the first comic! Yey.

These early comics were drawn during the winter/spring of 2005, and unlike the vast majority of Random Doodles, were published in UW-Madison’s other student newspaper, The Daily Cardinal. At the time, I had thought their comic section to be superior to the offering at The Badger Herald (but how quickly that would change), so I submitted my work to be shown on a ‘rotating schedule’ which really meant ‘random and not-guaranteed’.


Narrator: Meet Sasha, a student. She’s currently studying. (So shh).
Narrator: Majoring in engineering, she must constantly solve difficult problems…
Sasha: Hey, do you know what 2+2 is?
Narrator: Yeah, we wonder how she lasts too.

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