0111 published on No Comments on 0111

Nope, definitely does not count. Unless she got a work visa or something. (Spoiler alert: She didn’t. All vacation, all the time). Reading these strip numbers that only have 0’s and 1’s reminds me of binary numbers. In the binary numbering system, this would only be comic number 7.


0113 published on No Comments on 0113

My professor for my this particular class definitely told this joke. He had quite a few bad ones lined up from lectures that I definitely put into comic form. He was a good guy, that professor. Not that I remember what class it was. >_> Had something to do with magnetic fields, though. Here’s the… Continue reading 0113


0115 published on No Comments on 0115

This is another line from a professor, but not the professor from yesterday’s comic or the day before’s. This was, most likely, my least favorite professor, most likely because I got my worst grade in college from his course (a C. I know. Very traumatizing). He started his class by saying that he didn’t care… Continue reading 0115