Short for Abigail.
I hardly remember what all that calculus means anymore. Good thing the internet knows the answer.
The home of the comic "Random Doodles"
Short for Abigail.
I hardly remember what all that calculus means anymore. Good thing the internet knows the answer.
Unsuccessful Mathematics at a Basic Level often strikes engineers when doing simple things, like calculating tips, splitting the bill among friends, and adding your attack bonus to your D20 roll.
Who could forget?
It’s a contest!
And we have a winner! Ding ding ding ding!
I had started a different drawing process starting this semester. The first week or so I was drawing with extra thick lines before going back to the wafer-thin ones. This was also around the time I had started cropping comics before sending them to our editor; the Badger Herald editor had changed and the new… Continue reading 0216
Ah, the dreaded passing time, where pedestrians rule the road and all others must quake in fear.
Passing time only lasts for 10-15 minutes or so, but it’s really, really hard to turn while driving, unless you have an arrow. And even then, if the passing time mob disagrees with the walk sign, you’re stuck anyway. Not that I know from experience or anything.
Gotta be quicker on the draw, squid.
Cameo time! It’s Britt again. She’s actually learning about NAND gates RIGHT NOW. (Well, maybe not right now, but now-ish).