Apparently poetry is no one’s strong suit.
The home of the comic "Random Doodles"
Apparently poetry is no one’s strong suit.
The power of narration compels you!
I suspect that being wet and getting tazed would not be good.
It’s a good life motto to have. This is the second update for the day, as I missed a day earlier in the week and I’m tired of moving forward my previously scheduled ones (all comics are uploaded as drafts and then I add commentary). However, both this series and the previous one were fairly… Continue reading 0518
Sasha, make Kally mad? Never.
Ah, the good ol’ repeat-after-me joke. Classic.
That’s pretty much why I didn’t do NaNoWriMo in college.
Either you get a really too-long explanation, or a short “It’s complicated”. There is no in between.
And now for something completely different. I hope you like learning about commercials from 2009.
The commercial in question. I dunno, if you have a shared credit card you should probably just let your spouse know if you’re using points off of it but that’s just me.