Poor student teachers.
The home of the comic "Random Doodles"
Poor student teachers.
The squid has no time for reflections.
One only has so much energy for enthusiastic welcomes. The Squid was saving up.
Or in some cases faster! … But yes, usually it is slower.
I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t fix typos right away; I’ve been emailing myself a list of things that need to be fixed. This bodes well for when the archives catch up to the present and I’ll have to start drawing comics again… >_>
Lights off means less heat generated, right? Don’t want to get overheated in the summer, you know!
The squid knows how to save energy too.
September 19th is Talk Like A Pirate Day, and it must’ve fallen on a Saturday, making this a Friday comic. Talk Like A Pirate Day is excellent comic material – I couldn’t let it pass by. :)
Did their teacher commandeer some booze too? *sends herself another email about fixing typos* The never-ending saga.
Never think something like that while in a comic! And I believe this is the first appearance of The Occult Police. :o