And we have a winner! Ding ding ding ding!
The home of the comic "Random Doodles"
And we have a winner! Ding ding ding ding!
Wait, maybe not that last one.
A+ research, would research again.
Final Countdown plays as the race to turn in assignments continues. I totally never had to quickly walk across campus to get an assignment turned in on time myself, though. Nope. Definitely didn’t happen.
Video games are waaay better than studying. And this is the last comic for the Spring 2007 semester. Up tomorrow will be the first one from Fall 2007, after a long summer break. :)
I had started a different drawing process starting this semester. The first week or so I was drawing with extra thick lines before going back to the wafer-thin ones. This was also around the time I had started cropping comics before sending them to our editor; the Badger Herald editor had changed and the new… Continue reading 0216
I’m guessing I got the photos in the background of Sasha’s travels from morguefile. It’s a pretty handy site, though I think I was using it more before I had heard about Flickr and creative commons licenses.
Interns get a lot of work thrown upon them. A lot of busywork, that is.
Paper? Psh, that’s like sooo last century.
I mean, something has to give, right?